Famous Quotes

Quotes, by famous and not so famous people. Many are inspirational, some are sad, but all have touched me in one way or another.

30 May 2007

A to Z: 26 Reasons to Nurse Your Baby
From: LEAVEN, Vol. 33 No. 4, August-September 1997, p. 90

Colostrum... the perfect first food
Decreased risk of breast cancer
Easy baby care
Few allergies
Good for the whole family
Human milk is specially designed for human babies
Jaw development
Kids get lots of attention when the new baby is breastfed
Laundry is a breeze
Mental development
Oxytocin and prolactin
Protection against many diseases
Quick weight loss for mother
Saves money
Traveling is easy
Understanding the baby's needs
Vitamins and minerals
Working goes smoothly when the nursing relationship is maintained
eXactly what baby needs
You get to take care of your baby
Zero waste
Only the Best Is Good Enough - Breastfeed! A to Z: 26 Reasons to Nurse Your Baby
From: LEAVEN, Vol. 33 No. 4, August-September 1997, p. 90
Colostrum... the perfect first food
Decreased risk of breast cancer
Easy baby care
Few allergies
Good for the whole family
Human milk is specially designed for human babies
Jaw development
Kids get lots of attention when the new baby is breastfed
Laundry is a breeze
Mental development
Oxytocin and prolactin
Protection against many diseases
Quick weight loss for mother
Saves money
Traveling is easy
Understanding the baby's needs
Vitamins and minerals
Working goes smoothly when the nursing relationship is maintained
eXactly what baby needs
You get to take care of your baby
Zero waste

Only the Best Is Good Enough - Breastfeed!